Our Mission Statement
We exist to be rooted in God’s Love, growing up together to be like Jesus, bearing fruit through the Spirit by serving our neighbourhood, city and the world.
Our Vision
To become a thriving community of Christ followers.

Our Core Values
Hover over each icon to learn more
At Lincoln Road, we want to be people who pursue truth in all things. We believe that God has a specific design for how life is to flourish and be fully lived out and because of this we appeal to His Word, both the pages of Scripture and the person of Jesus in all things. We desire to give space for questions and growth as we learn to be shaped by the message of Jesus and become part of the story God is telling to the world.
to Truth
We recognize that everyone finds themselves on a different part of the continuum of faith. Whether someone is just beginning to investigate Jesus or would consider themselves fully committed to Him, we want to create an environment in which all people feel safe to explore, ask questions and are able to encounter Christ where they are at. We want to be people who celebrate the uniqueness of each person’s individual story while understanding that God is shaping us as a whole into a community of faith.
We affirm that the life of faith is a journey. As we move towards Jesus in authenticity, we recognize our brokenness and our need to be dependent on God. Life in community can be messy. We commit to coming alongside one another, wherever we are at, to extend the same grace and mercy we have received through Jesus as we aim to follow the kingdom way of peace and reconciliation with each other as far as it is possible.
of Grace
We desire to devote our whole selves to the Way of Jesus, by giving the Holy Spirit freedom to speak and direct every part of our lives. Our hope is that as we are filled and led by the Spirit, He will shape us to be more like Jesus. Believing He is at the centre of our lives and worship, we practice communion weekly.
Devotion to the Way of Jesus

We meet in a unique building that lends itself for multipurpose use and desire to be good stewards of how God has blessed us. We aim to share our facility generously with other churches and ministries and with our community at large as a sports and training venue and for cultural and social support.
Neighbourhood Community Focus
We believe that the call to come together is in part a call to impact and influence the world around us. We believe that every follower of Jesus has been invited into the Mission of God. With the help and empowerment of the Spirit, we commit to live as signposts of His Kingdom, intentionally proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in our homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces and recreational spaces. We commit to pursuing justice, peace, and restoration in our immediate contexts and beyond as an expression of that Kingdom.
in Mission
We believe that God has created each of us uniquely with a specific set of passions and
abilities entrusted to us for His glory. We seek to understand how He has made us, and
where He has placed us to live out His calling. We believe our worship extends beyond
Sunday morning into family life, the workplace and all other relationships. We believe that
we are called to be image bearers of God, treating every avenue of life as sacred.
Vocational Worship
Kitchener-Waterloo is a diverse city where people from many backgrounds are represented. Lincoln Road Chapel wants to embrace this diversity and create space for multiethnic worship to be a part of who we are. We are currently one church comprised of Mandarin, Ethiopian, and English Congregations and are open to seeing other ethnic expressions of worship be a part of our community. We have combined children’s and youth ministries where young people of all congregations may meet together and be ministered to.
Multicultural Diversity
Our Core Practices
Hover over each icon to learn more

We believe that Scripture is one of the primary ways God speaks to His people, and so, in all that we do, we want to be shaped by God’s Word, seeking it as our source of wisdom for life as followers of Jesus.

Service & Mission
Being called into full participation of the community of the people of God was never intended solely for our benefit but is an invitation to carry out God’s mission in the world around us. We declare the Gospel in how we love and serve one another, but also want to make a habit of turning outward to others as an expression of what we have received in Jesus.
Service & Mission

With so many voices in our culture we want to give God priority and space to speak into our lives. Through varied expressions of prayer, we enter into two-way communication with God as well as the transformational experience of His presence.

Generous Worship
Worship is a full life response to who God is and what He has done. We believe that all that we have and are is a gift from God, and we want to be people who generously give back our time, resources, talents and affection to Him. Our whole lives are given up as an offering of worship to declare His greatness.
Generous Worship

Table & Hospitality
Sitting at a table with others can be a sacred place where spiritual formation occurs. It is the place where we share not only food but life, allowing relationship to develop as we let others in and vice versa. We commit to regularly eating with others, to having tables that are wide open for others to come, connect and be blessed.
Table & Hospitality

God’s design for the rhythm of life is to carve out one day a week for
sabbath. This is time for rest, renewal and reflection, away from the regular busyness of life, as we rediscover who we are made to be in Him. Sabbath is to slow down and savour the goodness of God and His creation, to subvert the tyranny of the world of “having to do” to rest in the reality of “what He has done.”