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Our Statement of Faith


There is one eternal God who is creator, sustainer, and redeemer, and who exists in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is at work in the world to redeem creation and to establish an eternal kingdom.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit indwells the church corporately and every believer individually,
equipping them with gifts for service and is present to guide them individually and corporately, to comfort, transform and empower, enabling them to live a Godly life.

Sin and Salvation

Each member of the human race is created in the image of God to live in love and holiness. But every person is also tainted and damaged by sin and is accountable to God’s righteous judgment. Salvation is God’s gracious gift; those who repent, believe and follow Jesus are “in Christ”. Their salvation is founded on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ alone and is reflected in lives that are holy and pleasing to him.

Baptism and Communion

There are two ordinance which our Lord requires: baptism of
believers in Christ signifying new life and devotion to him as Saviour and Lord, and communion as a primary ongoing expression of remembrance and thanksgiving for the atoning death and resurrection life of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the Redeemer for all of humanity. He is fully God and fully human, he was born of a virgin and as a man lived a life of perfect obedience to God. His
substitutionary sacrifice, his bodily resurrection, and his ascension atoned for our sins and accomplished our salvation. As Lord of all, He sits at the Father’s right hand ministering on behalf of all believers.

The Bible

The Bible is uniquely inspired by God as a revelation of his purpose and will,
consequently it is inerrant in all it teaches, entirely trustworthy and of authority in all matters of faith and practice.

The Church

The church universal is composed of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The local church is composed of believers in a locality who gather regularly in Christ’s name for worship, prayer, fellowship, instruction and to reach out to their communities, bringing the values of heaven to earth and making disciples of all nations.

The Return of Christ

The promise of the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ is a source of joy and hope to his people. The Kingdom of God which has already begun will reach its fulfillment when Jesus returns in power and great glory to reign forever and ever. His return will consummate his kingdom of peace and fulfill the promises he has made. Everyone will be accountable to him on that day when he brings about righteous judgment on all who have ever lived, the resurrection of the believer to eternal life and of the unbeliever to eternal separation from God.
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